I am an information professional passionate about information organization and access to foster lifelong learning through individual and collective knowledge building.

I am a graduate of the University of Texas at Austin’s School of Information and Department of English, where I received an M.S. in Information Studies and an M.A. in English. I studied libraries, digital access, and metadata.

I’ve worked in the publishing industry, in cultural heritage, in libraries and archives, and in tech software, including e-commerce. I care a lot about the way information is organized — in DAMS, data governance platforms, file structures, taxonomies, library systems, and more — and made available to those seeking it. Information becomes knowledge, and influences how we make meaning in the world, and I’m passionate about the need to create better information pathways. These pathways start at individual information literacy and ongoing education, and move to more collective understandings of information organization, which inform community norms.